Manglefinger Three: Now In Technicolor
Okay, so a co-worker used his phone to take a picture of my busted finger while it was being treated at the triage unit in the hospital. I now have this picture, so naturally it is going onto my website.
If you are at all bothered by blood or injuries, especially fingernail stuff, you shouldn’t look. Seriously, you probably shouldn’t look. Anyway, I gotta say, it doesn’t look so bad. Though maybe that is just because I saw the other side of that finger as well. Apart from the nail, the other side had the real damage. But the important thing is that the image is now on the Internet.
Anyway, I’ll give some updates about other aspects of my finger healing. One thing, yesterday it took me about ten minutes to open a bottle of juice. That was effing annoying. Here I am at about minute seven, just in disbelief:

But apart from that I seem to be doing alright with the limited use of my dominant hand. As I previously mentioned, I’m taking antibiotics four times a day and I have to take them with food. As a person who will usually only eat once a day, but can manage twice if necessary, four is an insane number of foods to eat. Here’s how I am remedying this:
A spoonful of sugar-covered nuts helps the medicine go down. I discovered these Sweet Vanilla Almond things a couple months ago and I love them. I’ve only found them at one store (a Circle K), in my immediate area (though this could be, in part, because I am bad at shopping) so I’ve not had them often (only twice, I think, until now). Yesterday I went to that Circle K and bought every bag on display. Now, for the two times a day I have to force myself to eat, I will use these as incentive!
It is entirely possible I will be sick of them well before I’m supposed to stop with the medicine, but I’ll row that boat when the water comes. For now: So good.