I am nearing the end of my current series of posts about the planet Gurx, but I still have a bunch of drawings of animals from that world, so here’s one last post of them just to use them up:

Sooashoo are related to Twooay, but are not eusocial like them. Instead, these are solitary animals who only come together when it is time to mate. During their lives they travel far and wide, but they are driven to return to their place of birth when it comes time to mate, resulting in mass migrations to certain points in Gurx’s oceans that attract the attention of many predators.

Gudiv are ubiquitous across Grux, and have been for long enough that they are enshrined in the myth and idiom of Strondovarian culture. Gudiv primarily prey on corpses, and breed in them as well, so Strondos consider them signs of death and a metaphor for one being forgotten as time goes on. As such, they’re not popular.

Bweggel are cave-dwelling creatures that are completely sightless and rely on overdeveloped Rel that allow them to hear, smell, and even feel the slightest of air movement in the pitch dark environments. Bweggel grow to be about 30cm tall on average and have a gecko-like ability to climb walls. They tend to live near the openings of caves or near underground streams, which are locations where they might find small Vootuph to prey upon.

A small Vootuph species that live in the grasslands, Gethaihiti are notable for a mating ritual in which the two interested parties impregnate one another and then fight to the death so only the strongest of the two will get to raise the next generation. Strondovarians consider this to be highly humorous, since no matter how “strong” the resulting generations are, Gethaihiti are still just little bugs.

A massive form of seagoing Lapaouger, the Emoaisa are ambush predators that hang out near watering holes waiting for some unsuspecting land creature to come by for a drink. The Emoaisa’s forelimbs are adapted into strong grasping appendages that pull their prey into a set of barbs and clamp down, making it nearly impossible for the victim to struggle free before being drowned. They have been known to, on occasion, make the mistake of attacking some piece of Strondo technology like a boat or a robot, which doesn’t end well for anyone.

A pretty standard Glounaph species, Iveakkia are large and live in massive flocks (though their numbers are much lower now than they were before the Strondovarians industrialized the planet). Iveakkia mate for life and put more care into raising their offspring than most other Glounaph. They are extremely clever and have been observed using tools.