At some point during the week I was in the office at work and I heard some guy on the radio complaining, like a lot, about dandelions. I have to wonder why people hate dandelions so much. I like them. I think they look nice. They add some color to the grass. Why that so bad?
Yellow in my brain
making all my thoughts come out
and fall on the floor.
Thinking about color, it occurred to me that something can be “Yellowy” but not “Purpley” or “Reddy” or whatever. You’ve got “Purplish” and “Reddish” and “Bluish” and all that stuff. My spellcheck tells me that “Yellowish” is okay, so why does yellow get a bonus one with “Yellowy”? It’s a conspiracy of some kind, I am sure.
They add some color to the grass. Why that so bad?
No kidding. A typical “nice lawn”, full of one species of grass, is basically the most unnatural thing you can imagine.
My spellcheck tells me that “Yellowish” is okay, so why does yellow get a bonus one with “Yellowy”?
Brownie! :)