Remember: “Merry Christmas” is an anagram of “Me arms try rich” which is something that an internet cat might say as it strains to reach for something. It’s all there in the Bible Code. #biblecode #cat

As someone who has never seen Love Actually, everything I hear about it makes it sound like five movies in one. Now I learn it is also a Christmas movie?

If you’re like me, you have trouble remembering where you know people from. Here’s a helpful tip: put cucumber in your smoothies. It won’t help with the people you don’t remember, but it’s still good.

Adam: The Beekeeper Chronicles, Chapter Sixteen

Adam said, “Jason, tell me-” “Don’t call me Jason.” “Dante then. Tell me of your first kill.” “Back in training at the army. A cadet got pushed too far and tried to shoot a drill sergeant. I snapped his neck before he could do it.” “I see. And you were probably rewarded for this action.” […]